Best 5% cash back credit cards of 2021
Best cash back credit cards offer 5% cash back on your spending. Unfortunately, this maximum cash back always applies only to selected categories of purchases.
Be aware that almost all of these cards are designed for people with an excellent credit (FICO score of 740 and up).
It is advised to select a card that will let you earn max cash back on the category where the majority of your spending happens. Let’s compare the offers by the max spending category.
The majority of typical US household card purchases goes to groceries.
Best groceries cash back cards:
no annual fee
5% on 2 categories you choose quarterly
2% on 1 category you choose quarterly
As one of our favorite cards, US Bank Cash+ offers 5% on two spending categories of your choice (with a $2,000 limit in combined purchases in these categories). Moreover, it offers 2% on another category of your choice.
Another perfect offer is an American Express Blue Cash Preferred card with its 6% on US supermarkets and 3% on gas and department stores. The downside for this card is the $75 annual fee and $1,000 annual limit on 6% category (regular 1% cash back apply after the limit is reached).
Restaurants is the second most popular category for a typical consumer, and gas is the third. However, gas purchases are getting less expensive with falling oil prices. Our top cards for 5% on dining out and gas are:
The card offers 5% cash back on quarterly rotating categories, including dining out. Even better, the card is loyal to people with average credit and has no annual fee.
This version of popular Discover it card offers 5% on quarterly rotating categories including gas and restaurants.
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