Although a 600 FICO score is often considered to be in the poor or bad credit range, you do still have options when it comes to getting credit cards and improving your credit. Many of the credit cards that are available for 600 credit scores, however, come with higher annual fees and higher interest rates than you will find on cards for people with good credit.
no fees
Up to $5,000 Spending Limit in Less than 60 Seconds! Shop from over 100,000 brand name products such as Apple, Samsung, Sony, Gucci, Prada and much more with low easy payments.
Less than Perfect Credit Accepted. Approval is quick and easy. Must be 18 years or older, have a valid checking account and a verifiable source of income.
You can, however, get a credit card, even if you have a 600 credit score. In fact, many secured credit cards are available for consumers with scores that are even lower. Fortunately, whether you choose an unsecured or secured credit card, as long as you make your payments on time and manage the account responsibly, you can improve your credit score over time. Once your credit score reaches the mid 600s and low 700s, you will find it much easier to qualify for other credit cards and financial products.