Updated: 03/04/2016

Prepaid business credit cards

It is a good practice to separate your business and personal finances. As a small business owner, you need to keep track of all your business related expenses for tax, accounting, and planning purposes.

A good way to do that is to have a business credit card. A prepaid business card would be a good option if you want to avoid any inconvenience with a credit card application.

Here are our editor’s suggestions for a prepaid business credit card:

$49.95 account setup fee

$7.50/month per employee card

prepaid business card with spending control

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You should be aware that prepaid business cards will not help you in building your company credit history. The bank will not report your transactions to credit bureaus and your business credit history will be blank, even after extensive use of the prepaid card.

In order to establish a business credit, take a look at the business credit card options.

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