Whether you are working on rebuilding your credit or you’re a fan of a particular store, you can choose from a number of store credit cards to get extra discounts and rewards when you shop. These store cards are further separated into types, which include private label credit cards, co-branded store cards, and general store rewards credit cards.
Whether you have had credit problems in the past or you just aren’t sure if you qualify for a credit card, prequalification can help. This process allows you to see if you qualify for a credit card or other financial product, with very basic information such as your name, address, and last four digits of your Social Security number. The benefit of prequalification is you can see if you might qualify for the card without a hard inquiry on your credit report, which can cause your credit score to drop as much as 10 points or more. Many card issuers and banks allow you to see if you prequalify first.
Prepaid credit cards are often considered similar to debit cards as they come with similar features and card benefits. However, unlike a debit card, a prepaid card allows you to load money into your account, often without attaching it to a bank account. You then have a card you can use wherever the card issuer, whether it’s Visa or MasterCard, is accepted.
If you have had credit problems in the past, it can be difficult once you get ready to rebuild your credit score. In order to increase your credit rating, you need credit. However, because of your current credit score, you may not qualify for many of the credit cards that are offered. For most people with no credit or poor credit, the only option is a secured credit card.
Although gas credit cards are often ideal for people who have had credit problems in the past and need to rebuild or establish credit, gas credit cards can also be valuable if they provide rewards programs. Some of the most popular types of rewards credit cards are the ones that allow you earn cash back for everyday purchases like gas. If you use your card every time you fill up, your rewards can end up being worth hundreds of dollars per year.
If you are currently paying down a balance on a credit card with a high interest rate, it can seem overwhelming and impossible. In fact, you can end up paying hundreds and even thousands of dollars in interest, depending on the interest rate. You can, however, take advantage of a 0% introductory APR on balance transfers, which give you anywhere from six months to a couple of years to pay down your balance at 0% interest. The best 0% intro APR balance transfers include cards like the Chase Slate and Citi Simplicity, which give you some of the longest durations to pay down your balance. Even better, there are a few cards that have no balance transfer fees like the Capital One QuicksilverOne cards which can help you to save even more while you pay down your debt.
If you have bad credit score or rebuilding your credit, your choice of credit card offers is very limited.
Most of credit card offers are not available for people with poor credit ratings. However, our editors found the best credit cards for you - either unsecured and secured.