If you have had credit issues in the past, you might find it difficult figuring out how to fix your credit. In most cases, you need credit in order to improve your credit score. However, with bad credit, you might find yourself in a challenging cycle of being unable to qualify for the exact thing you need to raise your credit score. This type of situation can feel hopeless, but you do have options. If you’re trying to figure out the best way to improve your credit rating, here are a few things you should know.
Matthew Goldman and Todd Zino founded Wallaby Financial in 2012. The company initially created an app that tells users which credit card will earn them the most rewards for a given purchase.
We interviewed Goldman and discussed the evolution of the Wallaby app and company, which Bankrate bought in 2015. We also asked him which cards he keeps in his wallet.
Not only is it possible to pay tax with a credit card, but it’s also convenient and may be the best way to pay when you want to keep track of all your tax payments. From income tax payments to the federal and state governments to payments on estate and property taxes, it’s sometimes the easiest and most convenient way to take care of your tax obligations.
It’s easy to end up messing up your credit score. All it takes is a couple missed payments or accidental late payments, and before you know it, you’re in the poor and bad credit score range. Fortunately, with a little work and time, you can rebuild and repair your credit. If you are working on repairing past credit problems, here are some important things you should know about your options.
Ever had your credit card information stolen? Perhaps you used a card to buy gas or groceries, and the next thing you know there are odd purchases showing up in your account. While the Fair Credit Billing Act limits your loss from unauthorized purchases to $50, and many major credit card issuers have a zero-liability policy, dealing with a compromised, lost, stolen, or deactivated card can be frustrating.
First-hand experience with these frustrations led Aaron Frank, Matt Rothstein, and Andrew Dietrich to start Final. In addition to offering a physical credit card, customers can generate multiple credit card numbers to use while shopping online.