Most student credit cards are designed for students with no credit history, but your situation is different. I can advise you to look into bad credit ...

What Credit Card can a High School Student Get?

Teens can not get a credit card, but plastic means of payments are not limited to classic credit cards – there are many more, including prepaid cards, debit cards, secured credit cards, and all different electronic payment systems – Bitcoin, Apple Pay, PayPal, and Starbucks Mobile Wallet, to mention a few.

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Getting a Credit Card as an International Student is not Easy

Coming from another country to the U.S., a new student can find money culture in the U.S. very different from his home country. There are many student credit card offers on the market but for international students, things get more complicated than for the average U.S. kid.

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What is the Minimum and the Maximum Age to Get a Credit Card?

Minimum age to get a credit cardWhat is the minimum age to get a credit card? What are the limitations? Can I get a credit card before my 21 birthday? Read our review to know your options and get the best.

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Most banks will certainly ask for your Social Security Number when you apply for a business card. It is called a personal guarantee, which is required...
For many starting entrepreneurs, obtaining a business credit card is an important and necessary step. It will not only help you to close any short bus...
intro purchase APR no intro offerregular APR13.99% (V)
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intro purchase APR no intro offerregular APR26.99% (V)
rewards 5c/10c per gallon 
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