If you have no previous credit history, it is much easier for you to establish a good credit than to a person who has a bad credit. I advise my clien...
A CARD Act of 2009 mas a major change that turned the industry towards the consumer and eliminated some of the most predatory tactics implemented by b...
Removing all errors from credit report takes several steps:   1) Get your credit report. Once a year you can get a free copy of your credi...
Simple yet effective ways to save for your emergency fund: 1)   Cut your cable cord According to the recent study by NPD Group, avera...
A personal loan can be a great help in building a person’s credit history.  One of the important parts of the credit score equation is the ...
If you do not have access to a traditional checking account, a prepaid card can be your first choice – they do not require a credit check and pr...
The basic rule is to apply for a non student card after you secure a regular source of income after graduation and have earned a good to excellent ...

Kabbage Makes Opening a Business Line of Credit Quick and Easy

Kabbage, an online business lender, uses an automated system to review applications and doesn’t have a strict credit-score requirement. You can apply for a line of credit for up to $100,000 in minutes and you could get money into your account within days.

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Students Need Travel Cards Too - Here are the Options!

Student travel credit cardsCollege life is a transition for young adults just out of high school and trying to find their way in the world, including their own world of finance. With added stress and a new-found independence, many students find choosing a credit card to be an extra burden. However, this actually one of the best times for students to begin learning about financial security and establishing credit.

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Best Travel Cards That Doesn't Charge an Annual Fee

Cards to travel with no annual feeWhen you’re a frequent traveler, you want a credit card that helps you make the most of your trips and travel expenses. It helps if you don’t have to pay anything extra for the card, which means that some of your best options also have no annual fee and other fees.

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